
Job Vacancy – Caretaker and Site Manager

Lawton Memorial Hall, Church Lawton, is a registered charity and provides a community venue to Church Lawton and the surrounding area. The hall is run by Church Lawton Parish Council in their role as Sole Trustee and a team of volunteers.

An opportunity has arisen for the role of Caretaker and Site Manager to work as part of a team of  staff and volunteers to help the Trust look after this valued community asset.

 Main Function of the role                 

To undertake a variety of tasks to help ensure that Lawton Memorial Hall is maintained to a high standard and that relevant health and safety checks are conducted. To ensure that the hall is ready and opened for hirers according to thier requirements and the building secured after use.

Pay Scale                                            

£12.63 to £13.63 per hour dependent on experience.


6 to 8 hours a week on average (to be agreed with the successful candidate) with overtime payable at standard rate. Work will be spread through the week, with a degree of flexibility, and will include some weekend work.

For more information please contact the Clerk to the Council by emailing

LMH -Job Description Facilities Manager

Facilities Manager Application Form pdf

Facilities Manager Application Form word

Closing date for applications: 5:00pm, Friday, 27th May 2024. Applications to or posted to Lawton Memorial Hall, Liverpool Rd West, Church Lawton, ST7 3DA.