Cllrs: G Mitchell (chair), L Bowler, B Newton, K Newton, L Grimshaw
Clerk – Sue Davies
The meeting started at 5:30pm.
22-23/103 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Councillors J Davies and E Mitchell.
22-23/104 Public Speaking – to allow any members of the press or public the opportunity to speak in accordance with Standing Orders.
22-23/105 To receive any declaration of interests regarding agenda items.
Cllr L Grimshaw, Cllr B Newton and K Newton all declared an interest in the item relating to the grant application (agenda item 4a).
22-23/106 Lawton Memorial Hall Christmas Day Event.
a. To receive a grant application relating to the Christmas Day event in Lawton Memorial Hall.
It was noted that the Council wasn’t quorate for determination of this item due to declaration of interests.
It was further noted that the item hadn’t been quorate during the November item as the dispensations granted then were on the basis that the event was a Memorial Hall event, and not being run privately. As such, the resolution under item 22-22/86b was not lawful.
Cllr B Newton explained the difficulties experienced in understanding council legislative and good practice and it was agreed that training should be a priority for the Council going forward to assist with this.
Cllr B Newton, L Grimshaw and K Newton outlined that fund raising had been very successful and that it was very unlikely that finance from the Parish Council would be required.
The Clerk informed that if it was found that there were extra costs not covered, to contact her, and she would release money to be approved in January 2023. She felt able to do this as there was obvious support for the event from the Parish Council and from all councillors as individuals. A budget line was also available. The financial regulations allow her to authorise small amounts of expenditure on behalf of the Council from budget lines.
Cllr Mitchell commended the efforts put into organising the event.
b. To receive a brief update on the situation regarding the trusteeship of the hall.
Cllr K Newton and the Clerk provided a brief update.
The matter would require to be given precedence by the Council in January.
22-23/107 Planning Matters
To consider and agree responses to 22/4733C – 197, Crewe Road, Church Lawton, ST7 2DG
Resolved: No objection
Meeting closed at 6:20pm