20th May 2022
To: All members of Church Lawton Parish Council
Dear Councillor,
You are summoned to a Council Meeting of Church Lawton Parish Council which will take place as follows:
WEDNESDAY 25th MAY 2022 at 19:30pm
The agenda for the meeting is set out below.
Sue Davies (clerk)
1. To receive nominations and to elect a Chair of Church Lawton Parish Council for the forthcoming Civic Year.
2. To receive nominations and to elect a Vice Chair of Church Lawton Parish Council for the forthcoming year.
3. To receive apologies for absence.
4. To note recent resignations from the Parish Council and that Cheshire East have been contacted. To also note steps being taken by the Clerk and assistant to advertise the vacancy.
5. Public Speaking – to allow any members of the press or public the opportunity to speak in accordance with Standing Orders.
6. To receive any Declaration of Interests regarding Agenda items.
7. To approve the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 31st March 2022.
8. To approve the minutes of the Special Meeting held on the 29th April 2022.
9. To receive and note the minutes of Committee Minutes: None to receive.
10. Planning Committee:
a) The agree and approve the Terms of Reference subject to any agreed changes. (Circulated separately)
b) To agree membership of the Planning Committee
c) To receive nominations for and appoint a chair for the Planning Committee.
d) To receive nominations for and appoint a vice-chair for the Planning Committee.
11. Staffing Committee:
a) The agree and approve the Terms of Reference. (Circulated separately)
b) To agree membership of the Staffing Committee.
c) To receive nominations for and appoint a chair for the Staffing Committee.
d) To receive nominations for and appoint a vice-chair for the Staffing Committee.
12. To agree the continuation or otherwise of any working groups and membership.
a) Neighbourhood Plan Group.
b) Environment Task Group.
c) Community Group.
13. To agree members to do in-house audits.
14. Appointment of Members to the outside bodies, committee, and community groups:
a) Lawton memorial representative.
b) To confirm Barrows Task Group membership.
c) To confirm Police liaison representation and Speed Watch lead councillor(s).
15. To receive matters from the Cheshire East representative present.
16. To review and approve Standing Orders dated May 2022.
17. To review and approve Financial Regulations dated May 2022.
18. To approve the Council’s asset register dated 31st March 2022
19. To receive a report from the clerk on the Council’s insurance provision and to consider quotes received for renewal.
20. To review the Council’s subscriptions.
21. To resolve to approve the following services for 2021/22:
a) Payroll- continued use of Shire Pay Service
b) Internal Auditor – JDH Business Services
c) Website hosting and provision – NetWise.
d) Microsoft 365 provision – Element Hosting
e) Accountancy Package – Scribe
22. Review of the Council’s expenditure incurred under s.137 of the Local Government Act 1972 or the general power of competence.
23. To agree a calendar of meetings for the 2022-2023 Council year.
24. Matters Arising from previous minutes not covered elsewhere – to receive an update from the Clerk. 1
25. To receive matters from the Cheshire East representative present.
26. Finance (Clerk)
a) To receive and approve receipts and payments schedules since those approved at the last meeting.
b) To receive an account summary dated 31st March 2022 including bank reconciliations and statements.
27. Audit:
a) To receive details of in-house- audits completed during the 2021-2022 financial year.
b) To receive an update on the 2021-2022 audit.
28. Planning Matters
a) To consider and agree responses to the following applications:
18, Acton Way, Church Lawton, ST7 3RD
Proposed Extension
Land adjacent to 76, Congleton Rd North, Church Lawton
Proposed new dwelling.
Land North of Moss Lane, Church Lawton
The installation of 1No. 12.5m high Column A monopole, with 2No. antennas, 2No. 0.6m dishes, 2No. ground-based equipment cabinets, and ancillary development thereto. Installed on a 8.0m x 6.0m compound within 2.4m Clearvu fence. Additional planting scheme to be installed around the site.
b) To note:
22/1482D (Discharge of conditions)
2, Liverpool Road, Church Lawton, ST7 3DA
c) To receive updates on outstanding applications.
29. To receive an update on police matters:
30. Community Speed Watch: To receive an update on Community Speed Watch.1
31. Environmental Improvement: To receive an update from the Clerk and assistant Clerk.
32. Lawton Lights – Banners – To receive an update and to agree any actions required.
33. Highways Issues: To receive any highways issues from the Clerk, Assistant Clerk or members including:
a) To receive an update on a meeting of Odd Rode Ward Parish Council representatives from Cllr Mitchell and the Clerk in relation to the CE ward councillors’ highways budget and to further consider the Church Lawton view in regard to the A50 proposal.
b) To consider further lighting on Liverpool Rd.
c) To receive an update and further consider the traffic problems with Cherry Lane and to agree any actions.
34. To receive any correspondence or other matters from the Clerk and Assistant Clerk.
35. To receive any other reports and matters from the chair or members.
36. Training/meetings and courses:
a) To consider any training requirements.
37. Future Agenda Items
38. To agree Date of next meeting.
Matters to be considered with the Press and Public Excluded:
Exclusion of press and public: To resolve under 1960 (Admission to meetings) Act to exclude the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
40. To receive an update from the Memorial Hall representatives on Lawton Memorial Hall and from the Clerk and chair. To agree is principle to determine means by which the Parish Council can assist subject to the Memoria Hall demonstrating that all other options to keep the hall open have been pursued.
To note the progression of the award of Honorary Freeman to a previous councillor.
Please note that items raised not on the agenda as a specific item cannot be debated other than brief comment nor have any decisions made. These items are information only.