
Agenda – 2nd November Council meeting

Agendas and Papers Uploaded on October 28, 2022

1.     To receive apologies for absence.

Public Speaking:

To allow any members of the press or public the opportunity to speak in accordance with         Standing Orders.

2.     To receive any Declaration of Interests regarding Agenda items.

To approve the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Wednesday 5th October 2022.

3.     To receive and note the minutes of Committee Minutes:

a)     Staffing Committee Meeting held on the 10th October 2022.

4.     Matters Arising:

Updates from the Clerk on actions from previous meetings still ongoing, not covered elsewhere and which currently require no further actions agreeing or decision resolving. 1

5.     To receive matters from the Cheshire East representative present. 1

To invite Cheshire East Councillors present to provide an update on any Cheshire East Council matters relevant to Church Lawton Parish Council.

6.     Lawton Memorial Hall:

a)     To receive a general update from the Parish Council representative.

To receive a report regarding the Lawton Memorial Hall Christmas Event and authorise the expenditure (up to £1000) requested.

Note – further item covered in Part 2, press and public excluded.

7.     Finance:

a)     To approve payments to be made (including some retrospective payments).

To note receipts to date for the 2022/2023 financial year.

b)     To receive a summary of payments to date for the 2022/2023 financial year.

To receive bank reconciliations and statements for Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 2022-23 financial year

c)     To receive the quarter 1 ‘in-house’ audit of accounts.

To receive the Quarter 2 budget report, to note any overspends and agree any virements or changes required.

d)     To receive a Quarter 2 reserves report and to agree any changes required.

8.     Council Email and Office 365 provider.

To note that the Council’s 365 accounts will be due for renewal in February 2023. To receive a report relating to the current provider, Element Hosting, relating to their changes in the company and to agree the Council’s preference going forward. To authorise expenditure for the renewal in the New Year.

9.     Audit 2021-2022

To receive the 2021-2022 external audit report. To note that PKF Littlejohn were unable to complete all audits by the 30th September deadline resulting in an Interim Audit being issued for publication.

To note any issues raised and to agree any actions arising.

10.  Environmental and Village Improvement Matters

a)     To receive a report relating to the lengthsman service provided by Congleton Town Council. To note any further items from members to be added to the outstanding list.

To receive a report of the progress of the two new noticeboard installation.

b)     To receive a report on the progress of the two new benches installation.

To agree the priorities from the other environmental and enhancement plans.

11.  Police and Community Speedwatch

a)     To receive a police and PCSO report from the Clerk.

To receive a community speed watch report from Cllr K Newton.

12.  Highway Matters.

a)     To receive a report from the Clerk.

To receive and members items relating to highways.

13.  Planning Matters

a)     To consider and agree responses to the following applications:

No new applications received at the time of the agenda issue.

b)     To receive updates on outstanding applications.

14.  Civic Matters:

a)     To receive a verbal report from the chair relating to the Civic Service and freeman award.

To receive a report relating to London Bridge Matters.

b)     To note the Remembrance Day Service and to confirm that a wreath is being provided by the Royal British Legion Kidsgrove. To agree the donation amount to Kidsgrove RBL.

15.  To receive any correspondence or other matters from the Clerk.[1]

To receive any other reports and matters from the chair or members.1

16.  Training/meetings and courses: To note training attended and to consider any training requirements.

Future Agenda Items

17.  To agree Date of next meeting




Matters to be considered with the Press and Public Excluded:

18.  Exclusion of press and public: To resolve under 1960 (Admission to meetings) Act to exclude the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

Lawton Memorial Hall

To receive correspondence and a report relating to Lawton Memorial Hall. To agree any actions required and to agree the way forward for the Council.

19.  Staffing Issues

To receive a report from the staffing committee and to agree the recommendations or otherwise.



[1] Please note that items raised which are not on the agenda as a specific item cannot be debated other than brief comment nor have any decisions made. These items are information only.